Deliberation Stats image

Since 2014 MosaicLab has designed and delivered 40 deliberative engagement processes across Australia.  

The following fast facts give you a sense of the amount of work that has gone into these processes. With 1880 participants across 170 days of deliberation, that is over 56,000 hours of work. This is an enormous commitment from everyday people to help governments and support agencies solve complex problems.  

These community deliberators have worked on a wide array of complex and important topics, ranging from water security and obesity to gender equality and energy pricing. 

We plan to keep collecting data over the coming months and years, as well as extend our research into the impact and legacy of this work. So, if you have ever worked with us on a deliberative project, please get ready for us to come back and find out what happened with the work. 

To every person who decided to participate, to every organisation that took the leap, and to every facilitator who worked hard to help people critically think about tricky problems…thank you! 

Pink Scribble

Explore our all time deliberation stats here



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