New free resource: Biases that mess up your decision making

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There are many ways our brains actively work to bias our thinking and, therefore, our decision making. Each of these different sorts of biases can stop us from seeing an issue from a different perspective.

This tendency can limit our understanding of new and different evidence and therefore restrict our ability to make the best overall decision/s. By understanding these biases and using different tools to help question others and ourselves we can access more information and weigh up data more thoroughly.

So, to help you out, we’ve provided a new, free download highlighting six of the most common brain biases that affect our everyday decision making – because identifying them is the hardest part!   

Grab this free resource now for use with a group, use it to reflect on your own biases, or discuss it with your colleagues or team.  Any enhancement of your knowledge of these biases will help you to strengthen your decision making and information interrogation skills.


Perfect for sharing, printing or filing away for future use. Click the image to subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter 'The Discussion' and grab this free resource.  Or, head to our free downloads page for more fabulous free resources.




If you haven’t seen it yet, this recent post providing an update on our critical thinking research project with Lyn Carson of Active Democracy and the newDemocracy Foundation touches on brain biases.  As we continue to develop our ideas and activities around enhancing critical thinking in participants, we’re now trialling the introduction of brain biases before we ask a group to consider critical thinking skills.  Stay tuned, we will provide more information and updates as this work progresses.


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