MosaicLab - engagement, facilitation and COVID-19

Supporting you to transition in a time of upheaval

MosaicLab is here to support you and your team as you change and readjust in response to COVID-19. To help you acclimatise, we’ve put together two exclusive, new engagement service options.

We can work with you to help transition your team to working from home through an interactive, online, facilitated strategy session. We’ve also launched a new training and coaching package - working with individuals or groups to support you to engage and connect with people appropriately through a time of anxiety and upheaval.

Engaging through difficult times


Are you worried about engaging with people who might be anxious during this COVID-19 crisis? Want or need to engage on something but concerned about appearing insensitive to what people are going through?

Many people are anxious about what is going on in our world right now.  This anxiety can present itself in a variety of ways, and it’s useful to know that this is a normal at a time like this.  Engaging with them on something else, however, may feel challenging, or perhaps not quite right, in this time of upheaval.

We can help you navigate this dilemma and address your key questions including:

  • When is the right time to engage?

  • How can we effectively adapt as things change?

  • What is important to consider and what should we expect from each engagement?

  • What language is required to help connect and build rapport with communities?

We are offering two different package options:

  • one-on-one individual mentoring

  • project team (group) training.

Working from home - transition your team


Is your team, department or organisation moving from a shared office to a remotely based workforce?

This sudden change presents challenges for managers and their staff.   From managing logistics through to ensuring your team is collaborative, productive and motivated, it’s a tricky transition.

Because this is a difficult time for every team and workplace, we want to support your transition and help your team navigate the change process .

MosaicLab is offering facilitated workshops that support you to:

  • share the challenge being faced and ‘crowdsource’ tailored, shared solutions

  • encourage staff to take ownership over their role in the change and empower them to implement actions

  • connect people remotely through a digital platform and build confidence and skills in  collaborating using online tools.


Want more information?

Download our online services information pack to find out more.



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